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Diadur BlueStar® QUATTRO
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Diadur BlueStar® QUATTRO - kopie
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C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)

C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)
0% (0 Ranking)
Manufacturer:Sunshine Diamonds
List price:634 Kč
Price excluding VAT:523,97 Kč
Price including VAT:634 Kč
634 Kč
There are several variants of the product. (3)

Product variants (3)

Product nameproduct codePriceAvailability
Our coatings standard SUC251E104060 634 Kč Neznámá
Our coatings gold TiN SUT274190060 706 Kč Neznámá
Our coatings black SUS274190060 706 Kč Neznámá
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Tungsten carbid cutters - cross cut normal (univesal)

Plasters, acrylics for dentures, metal alloys


Titanium nitride - extremly hard and smooth surface:  - better removal of chips

                                                                              - no clogging

Black coated TC - extremly hard and smooth surface: - better removal of chips

                                                                               - no clogging

                                                                               - lower speeds are possible (acrylics!)

                                                                               - explicitly longer lifetime

C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)
C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)
C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)
C251E104060 (500 104 274 190 060)
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